Prisoned Mac OS

Diablo II or 2 is an action slash & role-playing video game, which is produced by Blizzard North. And Blizzard Entertainment is marketing company which published the game in 2000 for following platforms, like MAC (OS & OS X), Windows (PC).David Brevik and Erich Schaefer are the designers and ideologists behind this horror themes and creative dark vision of the game.

38 Games Like Prison Architect for Mac This page contains a list of games similar to Prison Architect that have been selected by GameCupid's advanced matching algorithm. Prision Architect is a very strategic management game that puts you in control of your very own prision. is a platform for academics to share research papers.

This page contains a list of games similar to Prison Architect that have been selected by GameCupid's advanced matching algorithm. Prision Architect is a very strategic management game that puts you in control of your very own prision. The games in this list are all games like Prison Architect as they all contain strategic elements that will force you to rack your brain in order to make the best decisions for your in-game characters.

Prisoned Mac Os Catalina

Prison Architect puts you in control of your very on prison, where you are given the power to turn your empty plot of land into thriving prison. Players must generate and monitor their own electricity and water supplies, hire guards to keep prisoners in order and employ chefs to feed prisoners. The decisions players make when constructing their prison will determine how effective the prison operates.

Prisoned Mac Os 11


Prisoned Mac Os Download

The games like Prison Architect that are listed here have been selected by a clever algorithm that compares and evaluates features that have been tagged to games in our database. All the games that are similar to Prison Architect shown below will share key features that are present in Prison Architect. Features are tagged to our games by the people who play them and know them best. This is what makes our recomendations so accurate. If you wish to further improve our list of games like Prison Architect, head over to the contributor portal