Whaling And Bailing Mac OS
Commercial whaling in Britain began late in the 16th century and continued after the 1801 formation of the United Kingdom and intermittently until the middle of the 20th century. The trade was broadly divided into two branches. The northern fishery involved hunting the bowhead whale off the coast of Greenland and adjacent islands. The southern fishery was activity anywhere else, including in. Nmrpflash uses Netgear's NMRP protocol to flash a new firmware image to a compatible device. It has been successfully used on a Netgear EX2700, EX6120, EX6150v2, DNG3700v2, R6100, R6220, R7000, D7000, WNR3500, R6400 and R6800, R8000, R8500, WNDR3800, but is likely to be compatible with many other.
Whaling is the hunting of whales for food and oil. Seafaring countries around the world once took part in the practice, pursuing the giant animals that seemed as limitless as the oceans in which they swam. However, beginning in the mid-20th century, whale populations began to drop catastrophically. Since then, whaling has been conducted on a very limited scale. It is now the subject of great scrutiny, both by formal regulatory bodies and by nongovernmental organizations.
Whale Products
Besides food, whales provided a variety of products of use to humans. Whale oil was first used as lamp fuel and as a lubricant. Later uses included the making of glycerin, soaps, creams, and margarine. Whale oil was also used in the paint, varnish, and printing-ink industries.
A waxy material known as spermaceti fills an organ in the head cavities of the sperm and bottlenose whales. It is a crystalline form of oil that early whalers erroneously believed to be coagulated semen. Spermaceti has been used to make such products as cosmetic creams, ointments, and fine wax candles. Ambergris is a solid waxy substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales. In Eastern cultures ambergris is used for medicines and potions and as a spice. In the West it was used to stabilize the scent of fine perfumes.
A by-product of the whaling industry was scrimshaw, whalebone or whale teeth that were intricately carved or engraved. Sometimes artisans brushed ink into the carved lines to highlight the engravings. Artists often adorned cribbage boards, walking canes, and snuffboxes made from whalebone with scrimshaw. Examples date back to the late 17th century, but the craft reached its peak from about 1830 to 1850. Whalers such as the Chukchi of Siberia and the Inuit of Siberia and Alaska still practice scrimshaw.
Archaeological evidence suggests that primitive whaling, by Inuit and other peoples in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, was practiced by 3000 bc and has continued in remote cultures to the present. The quarry has always been small, easily beached whales or larger specimens that came close to shore to breed in sheltered bays. The Japanese used nets, and the Aleuts used poisoned spears. The Inuit successfully hunted large whales from skin boats, employing toggle-headed harpoons attached by hide ropes to inflated sealskin boats. In Europe, the Nordic people hunted small whales, and Icelandic laws dealt with whaling in the 13th century.
The forerunners of commercial whaling were the Basques, who caught northern right whales as the animals gathered to breed in the Bay of Biscay. When seaworthy oceangoing ships were built, the Basques set off in search of other bays where whales congregated. They found them across the Atlantic off the coast of southern Labrador. This traveling in search of whales occurred perhaps as early as the 14th century and certainly by the 16th.
Drafting Basque whalers for its Arctic explorations, the English Muscovy Company initiated the exploitation of whaling bays in Spitsbergen, Norway, in 1610. The Dutch followed immediately and broke the English monopoly, which had already stifled native competition. Smeerenburg (“Blubbertown”), a Dutch whaling village, was built on Spitsbergen after 1619.
Smeerenburg shut down in the 1660s, and Dutch and German whalers navigated the open sea until their activity collapsed in the 1780s. At that point Britain, in order to support its industrial revolution, took over as the principal European whaling nation.
During the 18th and early 19th centuries, the chief vessels used to capture whales were merchant ships. They were reinforced with beams against sea ice and were heavily armed against attack. American whaling ships were initially smaller than British vessels and were painted to look like warships. During the 19th century larger ships built specifically for whaling became more common. In the 1850s clipper ships gained favor.
Throughout this period, a crew of five to seven men would leave the main ship and get in a smaller boat to catch the whale. The boats usually measured 23 to 30 feet (7 to 9 meters) long. The crew used hand harpoons attached to a coiled line. After the harpoons hit the mark, the crew “played” the whale. They allowed the whale to try to escape, knowing that the lines would prevent that from happening. Once the whale was exhausted, the crew killed it.
Both northern and southern commercial whaling entered a period of severe decline about 1860. The U.S. fleet of more than 700 vessels declined rapidly. This was partially because of overfishing but mainly because of the discovery, in Pennsylvania in 1859, of petroleum, which replaced whale oil in lamps and candles. The Dutch fleet had collapsed early in the century. The British Arctic fleet was devastated in the 1830s and ’40s by overfishing and sea ice. Other substitutes for whale products, such as vegetable oil and steel-boned women’s corsets, also led to the industry’s decline. Residual activity, however, continued in the South Pacific and Davis Strait, in the northern Atlantic Ocean, until about 1914.
Starting just before World War I, whalers began using floating factories to process the catch. Before that they had to bring the catch to shore stations. Floating factories brought whale processing capabilities to previously unreachable waters. This allowed for timely shipment to market. Guns were also improved. Larger, faster ships were able to hunt the fast-swimming whales. In the 1960s inventors developed electric harpoons. Whalers used radio communication extensively, as well as airplanes (later helicopters) to spot whales.
The greater efficiency in the whaling industry contributed to overfishing. So did the success of British and Norwegian companies. Soon countries such as the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, and Japan were competing for whaling profits. As overfishing destroyed the larger whale populations, whalers sought progressively smaller whales. They decimated the blue whale population in the 1940s, the fin and humpback whales between 1955 and 1970, and the sei whale thereafter. Whaling shifted from the Antarctic to the North Pacific. A renewed attack on the sperm whale took place in the 1950s when new uses were found for its oil.
About 1962, with no more concentrations of large whales, the commercial expeditions from Europe withdrew and left whaling chiefly to the Soviets and Japanese. But even this whaling was doomed as it rapidly depleted the last of the commercially important whales. By the 1980s the international whale trade was dead, though small-scale whaling continued.
Whaling Regulation
Some 20 countries have engaged in commercial whaling at one time or another. But because of the decline in the demand for whale products and the threat of endangering many whale species, most have stopped their whaling expeditions.
International concern over the exploitation of whales began in earnest in the 1930s. In 1931 the League of Nations organized an International Whaling Convention, but this had little success in leading the way toward restrictive regulations. Six years later several whaling countries met and signed the International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling. The agreement’s purpose was to regulate the whaling industry not only to protect whales but also to ensure the prosperity of whaling. Among other provisions, the agreement forbade the catching or killing of gray or right whales and of calves of any species. In addition, the agreement placed minimum length restrictions on several other whale species taken. However, some authorities consider these initial regulations to have been politically and commercially motivated rather than a sincere effort to protect whales.
In 1946 the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling replaced the previous agreements. Under the convention the International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established to set up guidelines to be followed by whaling countries. To conserve whale stocks, the commission regulated the sizes, kinds, locations, and seasons of catches. However, strong international politics came into play. Some countries steadfastly voted against, or even ignored, restrictions that were not economically advantageous. Others withdrew from the IWC entirely. The IWC was unable to enforce any of its policies and had to rely on its powers of persuasion. Ultimately the commission failed to conserve either the great whales or the whalers. The number of whale catches rose from about 35,000 in 1946 to a peak of 66,000 in 1962. Thereafter, whale stocks declined, and most countries stopped whaling by 1970.
With little whaling to oversee, the IWC changed its membership and focus. Many nonwhaling members joined, gaining a majority over pro-whaling members. The issue shifted to the survival of the great whales. In 1982 the IWC instituted a trial moratorium (or temporary ban) on commercial whaling for 1986–90. The commission wanted the time to investigate whale stocks and to let the species replenish.
In 1994 the IWC declared that the commercial whaling moratorium was to continue indefinitely. The commission does, however, allow some cultural whaling. For example, Greenlanders take minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and fin whales, Russians take gray whales, and Native Americans take right whales. The IWC also allows whales to be taken for scientific purposes, though it is difficult for them to regulate countries that declare a whaling operation to be for scientific research. Despite the international condemnation of whaling, Iceland, Norway, and Japan hunted whales into the 21st century. In 2019 Japan announced that it was withdrawing from the IWC. The country planned to resume commercial whale hunting without being restricted by commission regulations.
Article Title
This Note has been separated into five parts. Part I summarizes the history of whaling, details Norwegian contributions to the whaling industry, and outlines the formation and transformation of the International Whaling Commission. Part II discusses the legality of Norwegian whaling, enforcement failures within the International Whaling Commission, and exceptions to international law that legalize Norwegian whaling. Part III illustrates the negative effect of Norwegian whaling on Norway's relationship with the European Union and the potential effect that whaling could have on other Nordic countries. Part IV examines the future of Norwegian whaling and contemplates the possibility of Norway discontinuing its whaling policy. Finally, Part V concludes with a prediction of the effect of Norway's whaling on its foreign policy, focusing particularly on Norway's relationship with Sweden.
Recommended Citation
Halverson, Sonja M. (2004) 'Small State With A Big Tradition: Norway Continues Whaling At The Expense Of Integration And Nordic Cooperation,' Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce: Vol. 31 : No. 1 , Article 9.
Available at: https://surface.syr.edu/jilc/vol31/iss1/9
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Commercial Law Commons, International Law Commons
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