The Cosmosphere Of Armastus Mac OS


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The cosmosphere of armastus mac os catalina

Stardust's destiny

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The Cosmosphere Of Armastus Mac Os 7

: With NASA's comet catcher back on terra firma and its precious particle payload in the laboratory, what's to become of the Stardust spacecraft? That's the question John McGauley posed to Tom Duxbury, Stardust's Project Manager, on collectSPACE's behalf. As for the 'basic sample return capsule,' Duxbury said, 'the original plan was that after we study the effects of space and the effects of the Earth return, was to have that go to the Air and Space Museum.' A similar future is hoped for the name-filled microchip that Stardust carried from and to Earth, though its desired that a computer able to display its contents accompany its exhibit. Duxbury's design for Stardust's main structure is more ambitious; he would like to use it for a visit to Comet Tempel 1, which was the goal of Deep Impact on July 4, 2005. 'When they flew by,' said Duxbury of Deep Impact and its controllers, 'they did not get to see the last part of crater formation.' Duxbury believes that it would be scientifically valuable to return, several years after Deep Impact, to see the final results of the cratering process and to examine the comet with a different suite of instruments. '[Stardust's] heritage is still potentially out there in the future,' foretold Duxbury.