Snapshot Paintball Mac OS
Jim Drew,born 1965is an exceptional engineer and full time genius, with animpressive history of making revolutionary inventions - many of whichare patented. Too many, in fact, to list here - instead some pointersare given for your reading pleasure.
Whether you wish Mac screenshot of your full screen, a part of it, or in a particular window, Apple has made the whole procedure of taking screenshot super easy and seamless. Better yet, With Mac OS Catalina and Mac OS Mojave, Apple Company has also made what you do after capturing a screenshot efficient, foolproof, and frankly, fun whether you. Snapshot is a VR arena shooter built for e-sports with competitive solo and team play. Inspired by the real-life sport, Snapshot feels like playing paintball in the future. One shot, one kill. In competitive teams of up to 5, communication and coordination are the keys to victory.
(Narrator: The above statementis SARCASM. That's how Jim likes to see himself as. The reality is ...somewhat different, as we shall show)
The purpose of this siteis to warn the known universe against giving Jim Drew any money. He hasa Jobs-level reality distortion field, and a number of groupies thatfollow him from industry to industry to attack anyone who dares callDrew a charlatan. Here, an attempt is made to dispel the bullshit.
This site was originally put together by an anonymous customer of Jim'sthat lost a fair amount of money to his shenanigans. I've adopted itper the license at the bottom of the page, and am in the process ofvalidating old links and adding new ones.
Please send corrections/updates/sightings/rants tome.Note to Jim: legal threats will be ignored; all of these links are public and this siteisn't within the jurisdiction of any of your virtual lawyers in any case.
A Description of Jim Drew
(borrowed from Drew has been around in various forms over the years. However, hewas infamous around these parts for unrelenting chest-thumping, strokingof his own ego, and a lot of smoke-and-mirrors explanations.
Essentially, he and his company, WAS, produced boards and code forassorted paintball devices. Ironically, these actually worked ratherwell. The problem was that, in most peoples opinion, he was not contentin just having something that worked well, and selling it straight, onrealistic merits alone. Instead, people felt that he, having describedhis company as consisting of the rocket-scientists of paintball, wouldresort to all sorts of muddy claims, hyperbole, and exaggerations or thetechnology, and methodology behind his goods, such as advanced AIalgorithms that would completely eliminate dropped shots withpredictive analysis, super-fast processing, advanced queuing,personality tests, SkyNet uplinks, and The Farmers Almanac.
Whatmade people even more irate toward him is that, instead of breakingeverything down and explaining his reasoning for making such claims, hewould resort to anecdotes about how he was a kid-genius who graduatedcollege at 16, designed hardware for Steve Jobs, and didnt need themoney anyway, so he didnt need to explain anything. That is, he didntneed to explain, because he was the greatest and smartest, so youwouldnt, and didnt need to understand, anyways.
Again, his stuffworked, sometimes better than the other offerings, but it wasnt asmagically delicious as the descriptions would lead you to believe. Nowthat I think of it, there was also some controversy about his de-bouncemethods, and how they were described as some super-awesome safetymethod, while actually providing a very easy way to dial in excessiveamounts of bounce, and runaway.
Some of his transgressions included:
There is anumber of other instances, too numerous to mention. He was a liar, whooften used double speak, half truths and backtracking to constantlychange his story - leading to his infamous coercive deletion of his'over 3000' posts on PBN. Evidently, time and again people were quotinghis BS back to him and it was getting to messy for him so he deletedhis electronic record.
Jim's Lies About His Background
- 'Jim has worked with everyonefrom NASA to special effects studios to name brand directors/producerslike James Cameron - where Jim created the ROV control system forCameron's historic Marianna Trench dive. When there is a problem,people come to Jim for the solution'(Citation needed, the only extant statement about hisinvolvement with James Cameron is an interview Jim Drew gave his localnewspaperhere.)
- 'With years of experience in radio control aircraft/UAVelectronics development, XPS has been the industry leader providingcutting edge technology to entities such as NASA, law enforcementagencies, the U.S. government, Hollywood production studios, and manyothers.' ( needed, none of his companies nor Jim himself are credited in the IMDB)
- 'I was born (in 1965) and raised in Oregon.' (Klamath Falls, [facebook])
- 'I [...] Attended school in Klamath Falls, Oregon.EE/CE/CS.' [facebook]
- ' Well, put in no uncertain terms, pretty much everything that comes out of Jim Drew's mouth is pure unadulterated bullshit. I'll say it to his face, too. He actually claimed he got three college degrees at the age of 17...which was pretty I called the college registrar...found it it was just what it smelled like...complete bullshit.
He has burned through multiple businesses in the exact, I mean, exact same way...produce a product that will supposedly do all these things, then, after a long delay, produce something that works...a little....but not as claimed...then leave the business, having promised all sorts of things that never really materialized.' (dead link) - 'I got into electronics courtesyof radio shack experimenter kits when I was about 8 years old. My dadbrought home a beta Commodore PET 2001, so I started with Commodoreproducts in 1976. [...] my Dad was involved with a lot of interesting'things'. He was a museum directo/currator and got Commodore to send asample to be used for inventory for the 1 million+ items... lol! 8K ofRAM and a cassette tape storage device.'
- 'I moved to Hawaiiafter graduating from high school (in 1984) with the idea of livingthere. I had family there, so I tried it out.' (Note: if he was born in 1965, and graduatedfrom high school in 1984, then he was at least eighteen when he graduated -- not seventeenas previously claimed)
Jim can be contacted via email at FrontierNet (as of 22 February2008)
Jim's eBay store is here.
Jim's Twitterfeed is here. (Narrator: pleasenote it is associated with XTreme Power Systems and has been inactivesince 2011)
Jim's Facebook page is here.
(2008) Jim Drew Interview
(2007) Jim Drew 2007 Interview - This interview wasconducted by Nate Lawson and included questions submitted by Pete Rittwage and Wolfgang Moser.
(1996) Jim Drew Speaks
(1993) Jim Drew 1993 Interview ('Delphi Conference')
Commodore 64 / Amiga
(1983-1985) CBM educational/support representative for Oregon
Products in this time period:
- (1984) ECHO
- (1985) Copy II 64 (published by Central Point Software)
(1985-1986) Megasoft
PO Box 1080 Battle Ground, WA 98604
1-800-541-1541, (206) 687-5205, BBS (206) 687-5XXX
Products in this time period:
- (1985-1986) the shadow[more][picture][ad] was designed by 'Jack Cornelius'(LinkedIn Profile)(Jim also claimed it was written by 'Jack Radigan').
Quotes by/about Jim:
- (2003-06-04)'He stole code from Mike Henry of Fast Hackem fame and from the company I worked for, Kracker Jax. Basically he steals some code and reverse engineers it then puts on a new front end interface and sells the software as his own.'
- '*I* did not design The Shadow. *I* did notwrite software for it. *I* did not work for MegaSoft. I did however,sell products to MegaSoft (as well as other companies). MegaSoft andUtilities Unlimited are completely different companies, not spin-offs orthe like.' [source]
- 'I was hired by Megasoft to take the originalECHO software (which was a hardware copier I made before SuperCard) andmodify it to work with the Shadow hardware. The board needed a jumpermod too.' [source]
Utilities Unlimited International (UUI, 1985-1996)
'I [...] moved to Arizona 15 years ago.' (=1992)'In August of 1995 Utilities Unlimited International went bankrupt.' [ emaculation] 'UU, Inc. closed its door on August 26th, 1996.' According to Jim Drew, ShapeShifter put it out of business.Amiga Hardware Manufacturer ID: 0x087B
Quotes by/about Jim:
- (1987-06-01) Bryce Nesbitt's post on USENet calling Jim Drew (among others) a code thief.
- (1995-07-22) The Voice of Reason on Jim Drew
- (1994-05-05) Google Groups search from 'Jim Drew' on comp.sys.amiga.advocacy
- (1995-04-14) 'Is this just P.R. work to get people to buy HIS Mac emulation, or is there substance to his claim? I know there will be a lot of opinions, but I want to know if anyone KNOWS any more about this...'
- (1995-05-15)'It never ceases to amaze me how some people will blame Jim Drew's lies and fraud on everyone except Jim. It's kind of like a cult leader who can do no wrong in the eyes of his flock.'
- (1998-07-24) 'I have officially filed a lawsuit against Christian Bauer for copyright infringements. The problem I had was that Christian is a thief, and ShapeShifter is nothing more than our code (and some code from Amax IV) stolen.' (note: according to this and this post on that is not true, no actual lawsuit was filed after Jim Drew noticed that he had to pay the lawyer even when he lost the case.)
products [BBoAH]
- (1986) Nibcopy [ C64CP]
- Nibcopy II
- Super Parameters (several editions) [C64CP]
- Keymaster (Parameter copier) [C64CP]
- Silver Series V1 (deprotector/cracker for Micropose Stealth Fighter) [ad]
- (1986) Supercard [software] [C64CP]
- (1987) Supercard+ [C64CP ]
- (1987) Lock Pick Book 1 [C64CP]
- (1987) Lock Pick Book 2 [C64CP]
- (1988) Super Cartridge [pictures ]
- track/sector/density display for 1541 [picture]
- (1992) Emplant [Manual] [BBoAH] [review ] [more]
- Sybil [note] - disk copier/imager commonly used with Emplant. AMAX was a MAC emulator by Readysoft [homepage] that was supposed to get a special version of Sybil at some point, but never did.
- Super Card Ami II (floppy controller, internal) [BBoAH]
- Super Card Ami II (floppy controller, external) [BBoAH]
- Kickstart switcher [BBoAH]
Snapshot Paintball Mac Os Catalina
Persistence Software
'UK-based Blittersoft willbe handling world-wide distribution of all Persistence Softwareproducts, as well as helping in their technical support. PersistenceSoftware is based at an unstated site in the US, but is unrelated to theCalifornia-based company of the same name..' (Amiga ComputingMagazine Issue 106)- The History of UtilitiesUnlimited... By Jim Drew
Microcode Solutions (1996-2002) [emaculation]
'Microcode Solutions is the undisputed leader in emulation technology' [...] 'I welcome you to check out our web site, download our demo versions, and see for yourself why Microcode Solutions will always be the leader in emulation technology.'
(Narrator: Jim has instructed the Internet Archive to *not*archive Microcode Solutions at Blittersoft website (european distributor for Fusion, Emplant, Emplant lite, Emplant 1200)
- (2002-08-01) 'Jim Drew actually sent an e-mail threatening legal action against myself when my comment posters attacked him for missing the iFusion Windows deadline' (
- (2003-05-27) Whatever happened to Microcode Solutions? (
- (2003-06-04) 'An old friend of mine wrote the first Apple II emulator for the Amiga, Apple 2000. He sent it to Jim Drew, since Drew had said he would be adding 'modules' to his Emplant card. Jim liked the emulator and said he would get back with Kevin (Kralian). Next thing you know, he's reverse engineered it, claims to have written his own emulator suddenly and has the nerve to accuse Kevin of reverse engineering Drew's emulator (which nobody had, or has ever had).' (
- (2004-12-25) Longtime readers will also be interested to know that Microcode Solutions, the creators of Fusion-PC and home of Mihocka rival Jim Drew is now, according to Drew, 'primarily a military microcontroller development and testing company.' (
- Ace, a freeware Atari 8 bit emulator for the Amiga.
- AII, a freeware Apple II emulator for the Amiga.
- (-1999) PCx, a PC emulator for the Amiga. PCx was no longer listed for sale by 1999. Joe Fenton later ported the emulator to Mac OS classic.
- (-1999) WACKE an Atari 8 bit emulator for Macintosh. Registration cost five dollars. It was no longer listed for sale as of 1999. Joe Fenton later released the emulator as freeware on his personal site.
- FUSION [emaculation] was created by Jim Drew and Joe Fenton at Microcode Solutions. Version 3.0 was developed by Darek Mihocka at Emulators, Inc.
- (1998) FUSION PC - A PC port of Fusion was released in July 1998. In May 2000, Fusion PC was sold to Emulators, Inc., developer of SoftMac, a competing emulator.
- (2001) iFUSION - power MAC emulator (on Amiga) - In April of 2001, Microcode released iFusion, an emulator of the PPC Macintosh for the Amiga. At the time (and also prior to release of iFusion) Microcode promised a PPC emulator for Windows. This was not released. iFusion Amiga, Microcode's final product, was sold in 2002 to a publisher called Virtual Programming Limited. That company is no longer selling the emulator.
Wicked Air Sports (WAS, 2001-2009)
'Wicked Air Sportz is the premiere developer and supplier for OEM and aftermarket paintball electronics.' [...] 'Wicked Air Sportz makes the fastest electronics and coding in the world...period! We openly challenge any manufacturer to compare the results of their inferior 'C' written code to our highly optimized hand written assembly code. There is simply no comparison.'
interesting snapshot of the website from is here'Wicked Air Sportz started as a hobby for retired entrepreneur JimDrew in May of 2001.' [...]- (2001-08-20) Which way to mod my Revy? ('That's not a law of physics where I learnt them. The laws of physics where I learnt them could be proved with formulae, testing and hypothesis. I see no evidence here to the contrary. I see no maths or theories of yours that hold up in real life testing or any deep consideration. I remain extremely sceptical until this is proven to happen. Or you can come up with any plausible theory about how it can work.' (
- (2003-12-12) Jim Drew: Banned from PBN, mounting a sanitation campain on other boards! ('It appears he posted some things that later he decided could get him into trouble and asked that his user_id be deleted and EVERY post he ever made removed (...) he admitted that he was deleting hundreds of old posts a day from PBN as well as all other forums as well.' (
- (2003-12-22) Jim Drew: Exposed by Bob Long and Terry from BLAST... (
- (2003-12-22) Further commentary on the above thread (
- (2004-02-09) Jim Drew applied for a trademark on the word 'Debounce' (
- (undated) After only 4 years...Wicked Air Sports went out of business in May 2005 and was sold to an investment corporation. Rumor has it, that the investment corporation was actually Jim Drew. He sold it to himself for insurance purposes so he could put ramping and full auto on his boards and he wouldnt be liable for it. (
- (2006-04-25) Jim Drew's at it again ('So much BS (even for Jim) I'm speechless. Why he has to weave lies, half-truths and BS to sell good products is beyond me. Now he's stooped to bashing other companies as well. Amazing - and Jack Rice - the only guy who can give JD a run for the money. Guy doesn't understand a lick of physics, fluid dynamics and engineering, yet claims to have designed a marker that shoots flatter using 'surfing' logic.') (
- (2006-09-16) OT: Found where Jim Drew is spreading his hype now ('There is some blind cheering, followed by some very techical questions from engineers, which Jim fails to answer. Sound familiar?') (
- (2006-09-18) 'The problem with him is that he ridiculously hypes the living hell out of absolutely everything he makes, then attacks people with insults and sarcasm when they ask for an explaniation. You can take a look at his websites and see how he exclaims everything he does and everything he makes out to be the fastest/smartest/best possible product forever and ever amen (and alternately the same can be said about any company he is affiliated with, they are all brilliant and hugely successful etc etc). He's also threatened to sue everybody tha argues with him and collides with his imaginary IP.' (thetinkersguild, via tapatalk)
- (2006-09-19) Jim Drew: Surfaces in a new hobby - but same old MO... (
- (2006-10-31) 'Jim threatened a law suit. He got away with it at a lucky point in time. He almost had his bluff called and all his posts kept while he was banned.' (thetinkersguild, via tapatalk)
- (2009-02-22) The Ford Report: Why WAS is for sale ...
- (2009-09-09) Jim claims to have been issued a patent, but neither he nor anybody else can find the number (
- Equalizer boards - The Equalizer is a tournament legal board for various markers.
RC Planes
Xtreme Power Systems (XPS, 2006-present)
'Xtreme Power Systems is the premiere developer of UAV, UAS, ROV, and radio control electronic systems' [...] 'The assembly and testing are done in accordance with MIL-Spec. Each run of boards is x-rayed and checked via high power microscopes. Only MIL-Spec parts are used, which guarantees operation of the electronics in temperatures ranging from -40C to 150C degrees.'
facebookXPS' own forum is here.
XPS RF Technology Division is here.
actual Trademarks: DivBee, Xtremelink- http://rctruth. com/index.php?topic=1050.0;wap2 (dead link)
- (2006-09-06) Jim's announcement of the XtremeLink ... the thread that started the whole debacle (
- (2006-10-09) Jim claims to have invented cell blasting. On another note, Jim doesn't understand how his own web shop works. The whole thread sums up the Lovecraftian horror that is Jim Drew. (
- (2007-02-01) '... there is absolutely no truth to Jim Drew's 'alleged' compatibility problems between Futaba's new 2.4 GHz 6 Channel and any other R/C systems currently in our market ... (Jim did not inform me) of any compatibility issues between Futaba and Spektrum systems at the AMA Show. I therefore did not get upset about this issue as Jim Drew stated!' (
- (2007-04-29) 'I am one of the hundreds of people who plunked down cash for four of the XPS systems at Toledo ... Now I find that their claims for the XPS system appear to be bogus as is the integrity of the promoter' (
- (2008-04-23) 'Jim Drew has repeatedly LIED about the performance specs of his products. Independent, unbiased testing has exposed these lies.' (dead link)
- (2008-05-23) The XPS failsafe mechanism doesn't work reliably. (
- (2008-05-24) Jim (and his Swedish reseller Graupner) was reported to the Swedish authorities for fraudulent advertising. (
- (2008-05-26) Sometimes the post says it all: 'Well, at least my thread got the truth out of Mr Jim Drew. The system was never designed to jump to the next channel in case of trouble. I'm so upset by the way he's deleting threads, not answering questions, and flat out lies, that I will file a formal complaint to the Swedish authorities first thing tomorrow.' (
- (2008-05-27) More on the legal action about XPS/Graupner (The only 'proof' presented so far is Mr Jim Drew stating 'we know it works'. The truth is that 'we know it works' is not considerd evidence in a court of law.') (
- (2008-07-04) 'Problem with the unquestioning believers is that anyone that is NOT Jim Drew are considered 'pseudo-expert' even though they ARE experts in their fields. Even if Jesus Christ came down early, all the JD worshipers would still be saying that Jesus doesn't know enough about the system.' (dead link)
- (2009-05-07) Jim complained to the FCC about JETI (commentary in German, as the original post was deleted by Jim) (
- (2009-12-09) http://rc.runryder .com/helicopter/t540388p1/ (dead link)
- (2009-12-09) Jim wants the number-one feature of civilian drones to be illegal. I'm not aware of any arrests for viewing drone footage, are you? (
- (2010-10-31) Jim denies that Graupner was a sales partner ... maybe (
- (2011-03-23) 'I know most of the people that followed XPS were promised the world in '07 and got borderline swindled by the company founder Jim Drew. The system did not frequency hop as promised. The systems failed in high RF environments. Then when the company was sold(?) and they sort of dropped off the face of the planet. I wonder if there is some life in that old dog yet?!' (dead link)
- (2012-05-06)
Commodore 64 / Amiga (Again!)
- (2012-05-30) ' write precomp is not the action of skewing bits forward or backwards. Write precomp, in the true sense as used in every MFM and GCR drive (including the 1541/71/81 drives) is that the signal intensity is increased the closer you get to the center of the disk. Because data is moving quicker, the 'magnetic power' required to successfully write bits must be increased.' (->wikipedia)
- (2012-06-15) http://www.
- (2012-08-25) 'I designed a microSD interface for .D64 support (like the SD2IEC and others), but it fully fits under the CIA. So, you remove your CIA, put it on this board, and plug the board into where the CIA was originally. It's about 1/16' larger (all around) in size than the original CIA. The electronics and micro-SD card is directly under the CIA chip itself. You would get the same functionality as many of the various versions, including support for fast loaders.'
- (2012-10-18) 'If there is enough interest, I can create a drop-in replacement for the 6522, 6526, 8520, etc.'
- (2012-11-28) '1541 drive emulator that emulates the 1541 hardware exactly, including the parallel port output'
- (2012-11-29) ' I will also be releasing a digital track display, and a cartridge device/REU that fits under the 6510 in the C64. Lots of things planned for next year but no release dates or pricing.'
- (2012-11-29) 'digital track display for the 1540/41, 1541C, 1541-II, 1571, and C128DCR' (2013-present)
'Jim Drew, the original creator of most all of the Megasoft and Utilities Unlimited products is back at it again, developing new and exciting products for the Commodore 64/128 and Amiga computers.' (cbmstuff)
- (2013-01-03) announces
- (2013-01-03) SX64 reset circuit
- (2013-09-30) drew-opens-website-info-on-supercard-pro/
- (2013-10-03) 'I'd advise against buying from him. I purchased the card a while ago and never got it, tried contacting him and no response. Ended up filing a complaint with my bank who was also unable to contact him and performed a chargeback against his account on my behalf.'
- (2013-12-19) 'SYBIL was really popular with the BBS'ers. I remember seeing some of the BBS's back east with hundreds of SYBIL created disk images.'
- (2014-01-01) 'I have a cycle exact emulation that will be released for the SCP, and includes the ASIC emulation along with the 6522's including the timers and buggy shift registers.'
- (2014-01-01) 'I develop flight control and weapons guidance systems as my daily job, which is all assembly coded for speed, size, and the fact that you can't rely on a compiler to generate the same code with compiler revisions.' (
- (2014-01-0x) Nyquist-Shannon theorem fun (-> wikipedia) (
- (2014-02-04) 'It's extremely rare for people to use d64 format for emulators like WinVICE, CCS64, and Hoax64.'(Narrator: No, it isn't. d64 has been the standard since the late 1990s)
- (2014-03-07) 'I produced more disks than Rob (Northen) ever did, and I also sold protection schemes to the production houses. Other than weakbits and half track protections, we never had to do anything more than create a master file by reading the disk.'
- (2014-05-25) ' I will be releasing a small (20mm x 20mm) board that emulates a real 1541 using .g64 and .scp flux images, with the price less than SD2IEC devices.'
- (2014-05-25) ' The Nyquist-Shannon therom would not be applicable to anything I do except perhaps frequency adjustment for some of my RF products'
- (2014-06-11) ' At the CommVex event (end of July) I will likely be demoing my micro 1541 emulator. It's a small (30mm x 40mm) board that can fit inside of your C64. I will also have an external version with some type of 1541 looking case. It's a complete 1541 drive that can use .scp flux images, .g64, or .d64 image files.'
- (2014-06-14) ' This is a complete cycle-exact 1541 emulator. It can be installed inside your C64/C128 or be used externally. I will make sort sort of external case.'
- (2014-06-20) 'With my fast loaders, I wait for the beam to be off screen, either in the horizontal blank or the vertical blank. If you check that, you will prevent tearing.'
- (2014-06-xx) 'This means that the SuperCard Pro can become a floppy drive emulator! It will be possible with just a future firmware upgrade to use the SuperCard Pro in place of a real 5.25' or 3.5' floppy drive and use the low-level flux images to emulate a real floppy disk!'
- (2014-07-01) 'Here is daughter board that will be available for the FPGA Arcade Replay. It adds Ethernet, SD media (micro), 3 USB ports, an optical audio port, RTC w/battery backup, and 128MB of RAM connected directly to a 50MHz 68060 CPU.'
- (2014-07-14) 'I just got done writing a 6502 emulation for the 1541 drive.'
- (2014-08-07) 'Most all 1.2MB 5.25' drives can switch between 300RPM and 360RPM modes. Most do this when changing the density though, with DD using 300RPMs and HD using 360RPMs.'
- (2014-08-16) ' There is no support yet for the No-Flip mod. You can image the back side of a disk by flipping it over and selecting index sensor->read->ignore in splice mode.'
- (2014-08-26) 'I sold distribution rights to the latest version of FUSION to Blittersoft. I still own the production and copyrights. I am not aware of any bugs. I could distribute FUSION and/or PCx if I wanted. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea, perhaps a package exclusively for the Replay board. There is a v3.3 of FUSION as well as v3.4 and v3.5 that were never released.'
- (2014-08-26) 'Remember, I spent a considerable amount of time (years) making microcode level emulations not just for the Amiga and PC, but also for Motorola themselves. I worked on their multi-core CPU project during the development of the PPC series.'
- (2014-09-04) 'I am working on a 68K emulator for a MIPS core (in assembly of course)'
- (2014-09-07) ' With the advent of all of the various FPGA Amiga emulators, as well as software based Amiga emulators (for PC, iPhone, iPad, etc.) it seems that the biggest battle still is how to get data from a real Amiga over to the emulator. Is there a simple SD card adapter available for the Amiga? If not, I am considering making one that plugs into the parallel port and uses micro-SD cards.'
- (2014-09-14) 'I have two serial ports on the SuperCard Pro board (which is getting the firmware update to be a floppy emulator like the HxC and Grotek devices), so I could use either of these connected to a CIA or something for hard drive emulation.'
- (2014-09-26) 'I wrote the best/fastest/most compatible Mac emulation in history using the Amiga.'
- (2014-10-16) 'I know absolutely nothing about C code. I couldn't write a 'hello world' program in C if my life depended on it. I could do it in a dozen different assembly languages, but not C. I have no use for portability so C has never been a requirement for me.'
- (2014-10-29) 'Please make sure you allow the REU to access up to 16MB of memory - like the real REU can. smile There are LOTs of 16MB demos available that load from a custom loader (SD2IEC device, hard drive, etc.) that install entirely into the REU for playback. Muuvies are done this way too.'
- (2014-10-31) 'If you ask any U2 owner, you will find it is not for the .d64 support. There are tons of devices that give you that capability, but NOTHING else (until I release the u1541) gives you G64 support - and that is something that people use all of the time with copy protected disk images and for running custom demos.'
- (2014-11-01) 'A single revolution is enough to emulate everything for an Atari ST drive, including drive speed warble, weak bits (fuzzy bits), and no flux areas... even data in the gap area.'
- (2014-11-03) ' I am trying to purchase the rights to numerous products, and the FCIII is one of them. [...] Clearly there is a market for $19.95 FCIII cartridge, but that market now has twindled due to this project. Still, I am interested and will continue to purse negotiations.'
- (2014-11-26) 'I use a USR 232-T wifi module for commercial projects and I am building an interface for the C64. This needs just a standard serial port. It's the way to go!'
- (2014-11-28) 'I would like to make a 'floppy' interface board that would give you a 34 pin floppy drive interface, and an IEC interface. [...] I am prepared to go to production with this as soon as an interface spec is available.'
- (2015-02-06) ' [...] I have determined that I can make the u1541 also a 1581 disk drive emulator. I can emulate the WD1770 pretty easily. [...] In fact, I am using about 7% of the total code space so far (you got to love assembly). So, I will be able to switch between 1541 and 1581 modes without having to change firmware to do it. [...]'
- (2017-03-11) Jim doesn't understand the difference between TTL-compatible-CMOS and CMOS logic levels (
- (2019-03-21) Jim has heard of Nagle's algorithm, but can't spell it, and has to disable it to make his WiiModem work correctly. (
- SX64 reset circuit -
- Supercard Pro -
- u1541 - 1541 emulator
- Supercard Pro - 1541 emulator firmware
unreleased (2014-present)
- (2014-08-07) ' You can legally get .scp images by creating your own. Other than that, I can't comment on anything else. You have to remember that my primary job involves contact with U.S. department of Homeland security, USPTO, and other government and law enforcement entities. So, I don't provide or keep track of .scp image files.'
- (2014-10-10) 'It's not my server! It was made available to everyone to act as a cloud backup for image files of their personal disks.'
- (2014-11-15) 'There is now available a place where you can store and download SuperCard Pro disk image files. You are not required to upload files, but it would be appreciated if you did. Please upload files to the incoming directory for the type of computer system.'
- (2014-11-25) ' Retrobackup isn't 'Jim's FTP'.. it does belong to one of my customers though.'